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Pagtitipon - A Gathering 2024

Roundhouse Community Art Centre, Yaletown

July 30 - August 05, 2024

PAGTITIPON: a gathering of artists, stands on a long tradition of collaboration, camaraderie, a sense of community, and, in the case of this 5-edition exhibit, a connection to a nation. Since the beginning of art, whether traditional cultures of the more organized institution of the art world, the impulses of artists to come together resulted in many fruitful outcomes such as art movements, advocacies, and even drastic changes in the philosophies of art over the past centuries. This exhibit, however, typical it may seem at this contemporary moment, is no different from the historical gatherings of key movers of art across art history; it is a momentary statement of a thread that connects Filipino artists together, a thread that holds unique individual practices throughout generations, locations, styles, and forms. - Avie Felix, Curator

Photography by Kevin Mata Hipol

fine art

27_Pagtitipon artist talk_Photo credit K

© 2023 Karl M Hipol

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